Hey! check out this C implementation of blackjack game!
I found it onlineI like to give my flags to millionares.
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/* blackjack.c */
//Global Variables
int bet;
int betting() //Asks user amount to bet
printf("\n\nEnter Bet: $");
scanf("%d", &bet);
if (bet > cash) //If player tries to bet more money than player has
printf("\nYou cannot bet more money than you have.");
printf("\nEnter Bet: ");
scanf("%d", &bet);
return bet;
else return bet;
} // End Function
은 int
형 변수이기 때문에 음수를 넣어도 된다.
/* blackjack.c */
if(p>21) //If player total is over 21, loss
printf("\nWoah Buddy, You Went WAY over.\n");
loss = loss+1;
cash = cash - bet;
printf("\nYou have %d Wins and %d Losses. Awesome!\n", won, loss);
지면 cash
에서 bet
을 빼는데, bet
이 음수이면 졌을 때 오히려 돈이 늘어나게 된다.